ENERGIA - Magazine for Equipment, Technologies and Engineeringyear XVI, issue 7, 2024

Solar-Log - Getting the most out of PV Energy by Optimizing Usage

Solar-Log - Getting the most out of PV Energy by Optimizing Usage

At the Intersolar 2014 let Solare Datensysteme GmbH (SDS) show you how one can make even better use of self-produced PV electricity. After the successful launch of the new Solar-Log data loggers at the Intersolar 2013, this year SDS is focusing on how to expand the use self-produced electricity.
At the Intersolar 2014 from June 4 to 21 in Munich (Germany), Solare Datensysteme GmbH will present numerous options for the effective use of PV power. A special focus is on increasing the possible applications for self-produced electricity with complementary technology such as heat pumps. The Solar-Log serves as an evaluation and management tool that optimizes the use of available PV power.
In addition to the hardware components, SDS also has numerous innovations for the monitoring software Solar-Log WEB "Commercial Edition" to present at the Intersolar. Particular attention has been given to the comparison of plant data and concise presentation of plant history.